Reports indicate that at least 35% of applicants do not pass their permit test on their first attempt. Actually, some reports claim this number may be as high as 43%. While a permit test can be retaken, failing the permit test can be frustrating and disappointing, not to mention inconvenient. While the wait to retake the permit test may not be too long, it depends on the state where you live.

Having to wait around a week and then schedule a retest while missing work, school or even your own personal time off, can be aggravating. So, why not set yourself up for success by getting an edge over others? By taking free permit practice tests, you can ace your real DMV permit test.
5 Tips to Pass Your Permit Test the First Time
Th most important tip to pass your permit test the first time is to show up prepared, but it’s a bit more complex than that.
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How to Study the Driver’s Handbook?
Yes, we have all heard it: ‘Just read through the driver’s handbook, and you’ll do just fine on your knowledge test!’ But in most states, handbooks present an overwhelmingly huge amount of information, no wonder we ask ourselves: How am I supposed to remember all that? Where do I even start?
Of course, a big deal of information is common sense, but there are also details that can be easily missed out when you are browsing the book. So, make the best use of your time and effort: while you are scanning through the pages, jot down any specific information you encounter -- speed limits in certain areas; distances for parking, stoppping, using your highbeam or lowbeam lights, etc.; allowed alcohol levels; fines and punishments, etc. This way, when you are done with the book, you will have a brief excerpt with the bits that are usually the hardest to remember. At a later point, it will be much easier to refresh your memory by using your notes instead of going through the whole book all over again.
Remember all traffic signs. Sounds daunting, but actually there aren’t that many of them, after all! Once you’ve figured out how to distinguish regulatory signs from prohibitive, informational from warning ones, -- you are half way there. Usually, the signs are the easiest part of the knowledge test, so make sure you know and recognize all of them, and this can give you more room for error with more difficult things on the written test. Use flash cards, if necessary, and ask a friend or a family member to check how well you remembered the signs. You will need to know them once you are actually behind the wheel, anyway!
Know the rules of the road and right-of-way rules. Visualization helps! Any road rule has a particular situation behind it. Imagine that you are already in the car, think about how you are positioned, how and where other participants are located, and who is allowed to do what in that particular situation. Make a sketch, if that helps, -- you do not need a special artistic talent for that!Use a pen and paper for better memorization
Take studying the rules very seriously -- knowing them may save lives on the road, yours in the first place!When you think you have had enough of studying, move on to the next step -- take some of our practice tests online, to see how well you are doing. - 2
Why Take Practice Tests?
To start with, you have nothing to lose. Aside the fact that the tests are free, you can actually make the DMV test seem easy after taking multiple practice tests. By working through not just one but a batch of practice tests, you will be familiar with the test questions as well as the answers. Being able to pass the DMV permit test is more than trying to memorize the rules, laws and regulations for your state; it’s about understanding them so you can be a good, safe driver.
Also, the actual DMV permit test pulls the questions from a database of hundreds of possible questions. While there is no way to know which questions will appear on your real test, the more questions you work through during multiple practice tests the less likely you are to have major surprises the day of the real test. Many states give you a test that involves only 20 questions. That means to pass you cannot get more than five wrong. So, increase your chances of being familiar with at least some of the questions and you increase your chances to ace the test.
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What to Look for
One thing that is of great importance when taking a permit practice test is to make sure you can find tests that are specific to your state. While there are plenty of rules, laws and other guidelines that are the same throughout the United States, you should really have the chance to get quizzed on the rules for your own home state. That way, on the day of your DMV permit test, you will have a better idea of what to expect.
Another thing you should expect from your free permit test service is that you can get immediate feedback after every question. That way, if you do have areas that are troublesome for you, you can work on correcting them. Even if you take the DMV test and fail, in some states you cannot find out what questions you got wrong, so you have no way of knowing what you should study more. provides clear feedback for state specific testsAlso, make sure the system is easy to use, but that the questions promise to be challenging. Questions should also include road signs and road rules, to be thorough enough to prepare you for the real DMV test during the practice permit test. Overall, you want to get a real feel for the test so you can be sure to pass your permit test on the first try.
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Overcome Failure
Taking practice permit tests can help you get an advantage over other testing applicants. It can also help assure you that you will not be one of the 35-43% who do not pass their permit test on the first try. But, if you have already taken the permit test and did not pass, you can use the tests to get better prepared for the next time around.
Many people rush into taking the exam thinking it will be easier than it really is. Or people just hope they will do well because they are so anxious to get their permit. For these reasons, people end up failing their permit test the first time around. If you have failed for one of these reasons, or another reason, you should be proud of yourself for wanting to find a way to insure that does not happen again. Permit practice tests are the perfect way to do that.
So, the important part of overcoming a failed test is to prepare yourself better this time around and try to make sure you do well the second time. Taking free permit practice tests will help with that and give you the confidence you need to succeed to pass the test. Sometimes, a person may fail the permit test dues to nerves. Being familiar with what to expect from the DMV exam can help you feel better about taking the test. That means being confident you have the right answers and that you have prepared yourself for success to the best of your ability.
Having a failure simply means you have the opportunity to learn from the experience and can really commit to learning what you need to pass the permit test the next time. If you breezed through reading your state’s driving manual and road rules, you may have thought you already knew enough. Taking practice exams, with immediate feedback, will really help you understand where you need to study more. In fact, it may be a good opportunity to go ahead and start over. Read the manual from cover to cover, and then use the practice tests to solidify the fact that you have gained the knowledge you need to succeed.
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On the Road to Success
By taking online practice permit tests, you can make sure you are on the road to success so you can soon be on the road for real. Take command of your chances to get your permit by giving yourself the power to succeed. If you have failed the test before, it just means you have the chance to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get ready to prevent not passing from happening again. Take advantage of free permit tests today and prepare yourself to ace your DMV test.